Author Testimonials

Cover: Your Journey to Financial Freedom

“Working on a book is a marathon. It’s not a short-term, ‘meet once and then you’re done’ situation—it’s a long-term relationship. Amanda and I worked together for over a year, and she was amazing and helpful every step of the way.

As an editor and writer, Amanda’s expertise is exceptional. She is meticulous and has incredible attention to detail. Her feedback was thorough and went above and beyond my expectations, from helping develop the manuscript’s structure to fine-tuning sentences. Anytime she touched my manuscript, she improved it. And her familiarity with the publishing process—the writing, interior layout, cover design, marketing and publicity, and so much more—made her an invaluable asset.

However, Amanda also excels as a coach who supports authors with the more intangible parts of writing. It’s not an easy task to craft a book, and doubts and insecurity can surface. Amanda always made sure to congratulate me for accomplishments small and large, and tell me how well I was doing (even if I didn’t feel like I was doing great). Sometimes she’d suggest that I fully take in the experience of writing and publishing my first book. Other times, she’d suggest that I hit pause on the book and simply enjoy my life. She truly cares about her clients as both writers and people!

When I write another book, I definitely want her by my side.”

—Jamila Souffrant, author, Your Journey to Financial Freedom

Why Cope When You Can Heal Book Cover

“Many authors have dreams or at least hopes of their book leaving the world better than they found it, but having that dream actually happen requires a dedicated and devoted editor who will serve as a midwife until the book is delivered and then eventually published.

The difference between an editor who sees what they do as merely a job versus someone like Amanda who feels it as a calling was actually palpable to my coauthor and me and made our journey all the more satisfying and fulfilling.”

—Mark Goulston, coauthor, Why Cope When You Can Heal?

Cover of Willie Nelson's "Letters to America"

“After a few decades of seeing my manuscripts through the edit phase, I’ve learned to appreciate a good eye on correcting my typos, usage, and dangling participles.

But I’ve learned a greater appreciation of working with an editor who understands and focuses on the voice of my manuscript—especially when it’s the voice of Willie Nelson, as in my work with Amanda.

We started with a good manuscript and ended with a great one. That’s the edit experience every author longs for and needs.”

—Turk Pipkin, writer, New York Times bestseller Willie Nelson’s Letters to America

A Season with Mom Book Cover

“Working with an editor can be intimidating. But not when that editor is Amanda! She honored my story throughout and never shied away from providing me the feedback I needed to bring my writing to its fullest potential.

Her patience and dedication made her a joy to work with on A Season with Mom. While Amanda’s editorial skills are top-notch, it’s really the way in which she guides you as a writer (without being heavy-handed) that sets her apart.”

—Katie Russell Newland, author, A Season with Mom

“I have had a dozen editors work on manuscripts. Amanda is the one who taught me how to be a better writer!

Even after the manuscript was finished, she continued to teach me about character development and what it means to dive deep into new genres. Amanda is a humble genius who cares about words, authors, and the world. She will help you be a better writer and a better person.”

—Becca Stevens, author, Practically Divine